
Let's Get Personal Renee Hartwick Let's Get Personal Renee Hartwick

How I Quit My Job to Become a Digital Nomad

Today is a big day. It's the kind of day that I'll remember. It'll become an anniversary to celebrate; a milestone to recognize; a turning point in my life that will mark a "before" and an "after." Today, January 15th,  is my first day as a self-employed, freelancing, entrepreneurial woman. I feel bold, I feel brave, I feel totally badass, and most of all...I feel nervous af. Read more…

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Travel Series Renee Hartwick Travel Series Renee Hartwick

No. 4: The Grand Canyon

If there was ever such a thing as a “jaw dropping moment,” it was the first time we both laid eyes on this place, and we’ve got the pictures & the memories (& the tips!) to prove it. Read more here…

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Build Series Renee Hartwick Build Series Renee Hartwick

How We DIY'd Our Van Sink for $6 (@van_gossamer)

"When our initial idea for a sink set up turned out to be way pricier than we'd bargained for (expensive wooden slabs and small sinks that started at $80), we opted to research more inexpensive routes. We stumbled across our idea for a sink on YouTube, which is how we ended up with a sink that is actually a $6 salad bowl from Walmart..."

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Build Series Renee Hartwick Build Series Renee Hartwick

How We Chose & Installed Solar Panels (@soweboughtavan)

When we started talking about installing solar panels, we knew that we wanted to be able of be off the grid for days at a time and not worry about having enough power. After figuring out all the detailed calculations of our electrical system based on the things we needed to power and the electrical specs of each item, we decided that we wanted roughly 300 watts of solar power, give or take...

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Build Series Renee Hartwick Build Series Renee Hartwick

How To Turn Your SUV Into a Camping Rig

During a particularly bad week at work, I attempted to keep myself centered by taking big deep breaths and thinking back to all of the camping adventures I'd taken with Nick and how calming, soothing, and freeing those trips felt. I knew I needed this job to save up money to fund our big, fluffy van life dreams, and I reminded myself that this week, this confusion, this lack-of-ability-to-allocate-my-own-time-to-activities-of-my-choosing would not last forever. And I suddenly knew which project to channel my irritation into...

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