No. 2: Death Valley

The Highs

Renee: Without a doubt, 100%, my high was living out my Star Wars fan-girl dreams in the Mesquite Sand Dunes Like…I walked where R2D2 walked (rolled?) which I’m pretty sure means I’ve peaked in life.

Nick: Seeing the hottest Park Ranger I've ever seen in my life in the Golden Canyon (Renee saw her too, and agrees. Love you honey). But mostly the beauty of no expectations...we had no idea what Death Valley would be like and didn't do a lot of research before arriving, so everything we saw and everywhere we went was awesome because we didn't have any predetermined notions of what to expect.

The Lows

Renee: Having to stay in a hotel instead of camping...I absolutely want to go back and actually stay in the park (all of the sites were full!); the hotel beds were waaaay less comfy than our tent bed.

Nick: I second what Renee said.

What We Learned

Renee: Deserts can be more than just flat, empty expanses of land, with the occasional cactus or tumbleweed blowing across the landscape (have I seen too many westerns...?). In fact they can be rocky and dramatic and salty and colorful and versatile, and just absolutely breathtaking.

Nick: Sometimes it's great when you don't have a plant or any expectations when exploring a new place.

Renee Hartwick

Renee is a Squarespace designer and educator, and is also the founder of Hart & Soul Co., a Squarespace web design business for small business and creative entrepreneurs that builds and launches websites in two weeks, guaranteed.

With years of experience in branding, copywriting and SEO (and the technicalities + psychology behind each), Renee’s background provides a foundation upon which she not only designs visually stunning, unique websites, but also focuses on the visitor experience. In this way, she is able to build websites that authentically reflect her clients’ businesses and convert their site visitors into paying customers and clients.

Her Two Week Design Process results in an excellent customer experience, with one-on-one attention for those two weeks, unlimited edits within the design time frame, absolute designer accessibility and a guaranteed launch date. From providing resources pre-design to help you brainstorm, collect and nail down your content, to working with you (and no other clients) one-on-one throughout your entire two week design process, to teaching you how to use your new Squarespace site post-design, Renee is invested in her clients’ success and dedicates her designs to reflect their authenticity…because she believes you deserve a website that is as impressive as your business.

Read more about her process at and reach out today to get your design on the books!

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